Daniel Moreno’s Santayana the Philosopher: Philosophy as a Form of Life (Bucknell University Press/Rowman & Littlefield, 2015) is now available. The book is a translation by Charles Padrón of Moreno’s Santayana filósofo: La filosofía como forma de vida (Editorial Trotta, 2007) (favorably reviewed in Overheard in Seville: Bulletin of the George Santayana Society, No. 25, Fall 2007, 28–29).

The book considers Santayana first and foremost as a philosopher rather than a poet or literary figure and takes up the entirety of his work as a means to understanding his actual life as a philosopher. This life is marked by a disciplined disillusionment that makes possible the cultivation of spirituality. The book follows the example of Santayana’s work in building connections between reflective traditions in Europe and the United States.

Daniel Moreno also is the author of Miguel Servet teólogo iluminado (2011), editor of several books on Santayana, and translator into Spanish of Santayana’s Platonism and the Spiritual Life and Soliloquies in England and Later Soliloquies. He serves as an editor for Limbo: Boletín de estudios sobre Santayana (Limbo: International Journal About Santayana’s Thought).

Charles Padrón has published several articles on Santayana in books and journals including Overheard in Seville, and Limbo: Boletín de estudios sobre Santayana, for which he serves as a member of the editorial board.