To Charles Scribner’s Sons
C/o Brown Shipley & Co London.
Athens. April 15, 1905
Gentlemen: I have your note of March 24—in which you tell me you sent me one copy of “The Life of Reason”, for which I beg to thank you although it has not yet reached my hands. I have sent you today, in two packages, the M.S. of the rest of “Reason in Art”, which I hope will arrive safely. “Reason in Science” is not quite copied out, as I have been making a general revision of that volume, but it will doubtless be ready by the time your printers have finished the other parts. If there should be any special hurry about it, I could at any moment send you the earlier chapters, which are ready. As I have no great confidence in South-European post-offices (knowing the perfidious character of the Spanish one) I prefer to wait till I get to England—about June 1—if there is no urgency in the matter.
Yours very truly, G Santayana
From The Letters of George Santayana: Book One, [1868]-1909. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2001.
Location of manuscript: Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University, Princeton NJ