The Works of George Santayana

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Professor Irving Singer

Dear Friends of Santayana,

The George Santayana Society has learned the sad news that Irving Singer, Santayana scholar and professor emeritus of philosophy at MIT,  died on 1 February 2015 at age 89. Details on his long and distinguished career are included in this article from MIT:

With regret,

The Santayana Edition

Professor Manuel Garrido Jimenez (1925 – 2015)


Apreciados colegas: Lamentamos comunicar la triste noticia del fallecimiento de Manuel Garrido Jiménez (Granada-1925) el pasado 8 de enero en Madrid. A los muchos méritos de una dilatada e infatigable trayectoria académica y cultural, se suma el de haber sido el principal referente de los estudios sobre Santayana en el panorama español en las últimas décadas. El profesor Manuel Garrido no sólo dedicó reflexiones y escritos a la obra de Santayana, sino que impulsó una labor editorial sin precedentes en torno a su pensamiento, que todavía continúa, y que entre todos debemos proseguir. Descanse en paz.

José Beltrán y Daniel Moreno
Secretarios de Limbo. Boletín internacional de estudios sobre Santayana

Dear Colleagues,
We regret to announce the sad news of the death of Manuel Garrido Jiménez (Granada, 1925) last January 8th in Madrid. To the many merits of a long and tireless academic career and broad cultural experience, we would like to add his having been the main scholarly reference for the studies on Santayana in the Spanish speaking world in recent decades. Not only did Professor Manuel Garrido devote reflections and writings on the work of Santayana, but he was also the impulse behind an unprecedented body of seminal contributions on his thought, which we must jointly continue and keep alive. May he rest in peace.

José Beltrán and Daniel Moreno
Secretaries of Limbo. International Journal of Studies on Santayana


Death of Prof. Manuel Garrido Jimenez (1925-2015)
Manuel Garrido Jimenez sadly passed away in Madrid on January 8th, 2015. Born in Granada in 1925, Manuel Garrido held the Chair of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Valencia (1962-1979), the Autonoma University of Madrid (1979-1983) and the Complutense University of Madrid (1983-1990).  From the 1960s onwards he played a key role in the introduction of such disciplines as Symbolic Logic, Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Language into Spanish universities.  In 1971, he founded the Philosophy journal Teorema, which brought to Spain the topics, concepts and methods of Analytic Philosophy, as José Ortega y Gasset had done with Phenomenology four decades earlier.  Prof. Garrido was a distinguished specialist in the philosophy of Miguel de Unamuno and José Ortega, and in 1997 as a result of his ongoing concern for the vitality of Spanish philosophy,  he promoted the publication of Limbo: An International Bulletin for the Study of Santayana, and also fostered the publication in Spain of numerous hitherto forgotten works by the American-Spanish philosopher George Santayana.

Muerte del Prof. Manuel Garrido Jiménez (1925-2015)
Con gran pesar, comunicamos el fallecimiento en Madrid el 08.01.2015 del ProfesorManuel Garrido Jiménez. El profesor Manuel Garrido (Granada 1925), fue catedrático de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia de las Universidades de Valencia (1962-1979), Autónoma de Madrid (1979-1983) y Complutense de Madrid (1983-1990). A él se debe en gran medida la introducción en España, a partir de la década de los 60 del pasado siglo, de los estudios de lógica simbólica, filosofía de la ciencia y filosofía del lenguaje. En 1971 fundó la revista Teorema que, de modo un tanto similar a como Ortega había hecho cuatro décadas antes con la fenomenología o la filosofía de la vida, comenzó a implantar en la filosofía española los temas, conceptos y métodos de la denominada filosofía analítica. El profesor Garrido, profundo conocedor de la filosofía de Unamuno y Ortega, y siempre efectivamente preocupado por la buena salud de la filosofía española, promovió desde 1997 la aparición de Limbo, Boletín Internacional de estudios sobre Santayana y fomentó la publicación en España de numerosas obras hasta entonces olvidadas del filósofo anglo-americano-español.

Now Available: Overheard in Seville 2014

The 2014 issue of Overheard in Seville: Bulletin of the George Santayana Society now is available here for online reading and downloading.


Reason in Religion Published

Reason in Religion Published

The critical edition of Reason in Religion, Book 3 of The Life of Reason, Volume VII of The Works of George Santayana, is now available from The MIT Press.

The book features an introduction by James Gouinlock and a scholarly apparatus including a list of variations found in the posthumously published one-volume edition of The Life of Reason.

New Publications in Santayana Scholarship

New Publications in Santayana Scholarship

Two recently published books may be of interest to you:

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